International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management

CISI level 3 Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management

ESMA/MiFID II compliant

Why study the International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management?

The International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management covers the essentials of financial planning, private client asset management, fund management, advisory functions and investment analysis from a global perspective. The qualification will ensure that you understand the range of assets and investment products that are available in the market and find appropriate solutions to meet the investment, retirement and protection planning needs for your clients. It is an entry level qualification for international candidates working in private banking and wealth management roles.

Is the International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management right for me?

The International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management is suitable for a wide audience – from new entrants to financial services to professionals already working in the sector who may be interested in diversifying into wealth management. It is an ideal alternative for staff working in wealth management roles who need to demonstrate competence through the achievement of a benchmark qualification and who want to develop an understanding of how to deliver wealth management advice.

Key features:

  • Provides a comprehensive introduction to financial planning, professional regulation, investment analysis and lifetime financial provision.
  • Available to all – the qualification has no entry requirements
  • First step in the CISI's global wealth management pathway – you can build upon this qualification by progressing to the higher level International Certificate in Advanced Wealth Management
  • Free CISI Student membership – become associated with a Chartered professional body and take advantage of an extensive range of benefits
  • Access to Associate membership and ACSI designatory letters
  • Meets the ESMA appropriate qualification requirements for investment advisers


Qualification Structure

The International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management is achieved by successfully passing a multiple-choice exam.

Total Qualification Time:
154 hours

The total qualification time (TQT) for this qualification is 154 hours. TQT is an estimate of the number of hours that a typical candidate might reasonably spend in achieving the qualification. This will vary depending on your previous experience, and includes any formal study as well as self-study and assessment time.


Exam Details

Exam Availability

Pass Mark / Pass Rate

The current pass rate for this exam is and the pass mark is . The exam grades are as follows:

Regulated Qualifications Framework

credits on the Regulated Qualifications Framework are awarded upon successfully passing this exam

Feedback and Appeals

For further details on how to give us your feedback and / or Appeal your result, please refer to our Exam Policies.

Study support


A CISI International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management workbook is required to be purchased when booking the exam. This is to ensure there is one standard workbook from which all exam candidates can prepare. You can also choose to purchase elearning to support your exam preparation.

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Accredited Training Partners

You can choose to complete formal training for our exams with a CISI Accredited Training Partner (ATP).

Find an ATP near you

Post Qualification Opportunities


Obtaining the International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management qualification entitles you to join the Institute at Associate level. As a member of the Institute, you will enjoy the recognition of being a professional in a world of increasing competition. The extensive continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities available through the CISI’s suite of membership benefits ensures financial services practitioners can maintain competence and meet the requirements of firms and the regulator.

Higher Level Qualifications

To further theoretical and practical knowledge upon completion of the International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management, qualifications to take include:

We are withdrawing our International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management exam in Mandarin, on the 30 April 2025. As a result, all exams and any resits must be completed by 30 April 2025. If you have any questions regarding this withdrawal, please contact our Customer Support Team.